Tuesday, September 23, 2014


If this isn't spectacular then I don't know what is... 
Yesterday morning I woke to this... A new day always brings hope.
Hope that something good will happen, hope that I can do something for someone else.. 
I've been busy at my painting for the daily 30 in 30 Challenge, and you can find that on my other blog.. I'm glad it's coming to an end.
I'm not very good at being pressured to do something.. I kind of like doing what I want and when.. that way I do it right from the heart. I never claimed to be ruled by my head.... always by my heart.   


  1. and you have a good heart, Barbra! I am hunting for TODAY'S Painting!

  2. Thank you Jerry, I'm glad you think so.
    todays painting is on my other blog.

  3. I'm with you on the ruled by the heart thing, my friend. That has somehow never worked out for me though.

  4. Dear BJ - you know the secret to living a life that matters...bless you friend. We can live without a great many things but we can't survive without hope! Have a wonderful week.

  5. Debbie ... you are so right... and I think you too know the secret. hugs,


Your comments are very much appreciated and I'll be returning the visit. !! BJ

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