Wednesday, March 8, 2017


Went to the St. Marks Wildlife Refuge on Sunday.
Beautiful weather right on the  northwest Gulf of Florida. 
A few memories from that visit. Thousands of acres dedicated to the preservation of our treasures here. 


  1. I like that, alligators. Did you ever see that video of the HUGE one in one of the parks. So big I don't think anyone would bother him. I was thrilled to see Alligators when we were down there many years ago.

  2. BJ - this looks like a wonderful place to visit and make memories. Alligators - hmm - well I just might stay a bit further away from them :)! Hugs

  3. St. Marks looks fabulous .... apart from the 'gators. lol.

  4. Joan, I've been thinking of you and missing you. Trying to get back on my blogging buddies' radar. You have been through so much and I sure hold you dear. Happy belated birthday and you better have 20 more!!!

  5. Always love nature. Beautiful area.

  6. Barbra Joan, I think this looks like a lovely place to visit - alligators and all. I love your MLK quote.

  7. Candy, thank you for the visit.
    Yes, alligators and all!


Your comments are very much appreciated and I'll be returning the visit. !! BJ

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