Sunday, June 25, 2017

Have you ever sold a painting and then wish you hadn't.
Well this was one of those.. And below...The first drawing I ever did in school.  OMG!  There was NO talent there !!!  He has hooves for feet, and his arms come out of his neck. 
I was 6 years old.. That's the way I saw the world.
And my mother saved it.. LOL ! She must have seen something there!  She had that sixth sense too.  So thanks for the DNA Mom.


  1. The tea cup painting is wonderful and I think the Police Man drawing is so precious. Already you were showing signs of what you were going to be when you grew up - an artist!! Hugs

  2. Hmmm, have you seen any Picasso's lately? Don't be so hard on your 6 yr old self! She was pretty good!


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