Friday, January 4, 2019

The Little House

What is it about a new year that makes us think of years past?
Well I mean waaaay past. This is a photo of the little house that I grew up in for most of my school years.. 
It's been remodeled a bit, but still looks the same to me. 
This photo was taken by a family member who went there about ten years ago. I myself have never been back.  
It reminds me of the kind of little house that a child might draw.  You know with a door in the center, 2 windows on either side, front steps, and a peaked roof at top.    
Good Memories. It was a wonderful childhood right here. 



  1. Looks a lot like the house I grew up in, Barbra Joan . So glad you have those good memories :)

  2. Dear BJ it looks like the perfect home. I am sure if those walls could talk they would have a lot of wonderful things to say. Thanks for sharing.


Your comments are very much appreciated and I'll be returning the visit. !! BJ

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