Thursday, April 25, 2019

Jenny watching her 'Birdie'  Video .  Oh yes she makes herself 
comfortable … on my chair with my computer.  There are videos out there made just for cats to watch.  
What will they think of next.. ? 


  1. Jenny would say this is her chair and her computer :)
    What will they think of next?

  2. I am "thinkin" that Jenny has a pretty easy life and just might be a bit spoiled :)! Hope all is well dear friend. Hugs!

  3. Of course she's in your chair! It's really her chair that she lets you sit in once in awhile.

  4. I couldn’t find a space to comment on your June 27th post but oh my gosh I felt I just had to find a way to say how much pleasure you gave to me showing this amazing collection of beautiful work! You have such talent and each piece is so individual yet I see your style cone through in everyone of them, beautiful,


Your comments are very much appreciated and I'll be returning the visit. !! BJ

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