Thursday, July 21, 2011


  My Angie girl is now 16, and had enough of a serious problem to see the vet this morning. She's on medication and I have all hopes that she'll be alright. 
  Although I rescued her when she was already 5 years old, I have been the lucky one not her. . I cherish every single day that she is in my  life and will be there for her every step of the way, as she has been for me. BJ


  1. I hope she will be OK BJ, I know how much you love her and the cats too they are family! I know mine mean the world to me as well.She is a Beauty!People that don't have animals don't understand how much we all love ours. they are all missing out on a special love....
    ~ God Bless~

  2. I'm so glad she is such a blessing to you every day. We should always stand by our babies through thick and thin. I hope she gets better very soon. Love.

  3. Poor Angie...poor Barbra Joan...

    Dear friend, I hope and pray that your Angie is on the mend and that no matter what she always knows just how much she is loved. Sending gentle hugs and kisses to Angie and a warm hug for you, BJ. I could learn a thing or three from you.

  4. Thanks to all who have sent comments and emails.. This is a bladder infection and at her age can be serious. You people who are animal lovers know just what this feels like...
    Sherry, you make me laugh "learn a thing or three from me? " Can you believe I am still learning?? BJ

  5. I wish the best for Angie, BJ!At the moment I have also a darling pet on treatment, Missy, I know exactly what you're going trough. Love and hugs


Your comments are very much appreciated and I'll be returning the visit. !! BJ

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