Thursday, July 31, 2014

I did ok on the scan, a complete sonogram of upper stomach, and pelvis. Lotsa parts in there.  Some issues with the kidneys, small problems with the liver,  but lets face it you don't reach this age without something breaking down.   I accept that . 

Thank you all for your wonderful emails, comments and support.
I truly appreciate it.  Barbra Joan 
P.S. That quote by MLK still rings true for me.
" Even if I knew the world would end tomorrow,
I'd still plant my apple tree. " 


  1. Prayers for more and better than ok. The MLK quote is a wonderful perspective to take. I'll keep it on my bulletin board. Thank you

  2. So glad to hear that it doesn't sound too bad, Ms. BJ. I hope whatever the problems are that they can be fixed with treatment. You deserve to be well and enjoy life. Its been a hard row to hoe and it is time for some peace and some joy. Sending you warm hugs.


  3. Dearest BJ - I have been looking up for you all week- was going to email you if I didn't hear anything. Sounds like you are going to be okay. Wishing you the best friend. Xo Xo


Your comments are very much appreciated and I'll be returning the visit. !! BJ

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