Sunday, September 25, 2011

~ Something a Little Prettier ~

Well after my last post of 'baby ugly' I do a complete turnabout and here's a pretty lady, no one special as you can judge by the face.
 Next Saturday I'm doing an Art  In the Park Show here in town.. and this is my way of 'advertising'  It's a small show not judged , (that one comes in March)  at the Strawberry Festival.. Now is the time for some art exhibits, as you can imagine summer time in Florida  there are very few outdoor activities.  I'm going to try to enter as many as I can, I'm doing what I should have done 20 years ago, so take it from me and don't put off something you want to do .. We are only here today ..  BJ


  1. Yes, Pretty Lady, indeed! They had it right all the time: Carpe Diem! Now we find out, but it is never too late.

  2. Boy! She sure is beautiful! I love flowers in the hair. (I really am a secret flower child, though I came a bit too late to be old enough to rock the flowers in the hair. Now I find myself wondering - at 4:19 a.m. - if it is workable as a sometimes look.)


Your comments are very much appreciated and I'll be returning the visit. !! BJ

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